Calls and Transitions

    • Basic calling: if you want to open your rueda to any level of dancer, make sure to call with increasing difficulty and speed to gauge dancers’ abilities to keep the rueda moving. Calling non-transitioning moves like flies will help reset dancers. Get in touch with us if you want to be a main caller for the day or a caller in a specific spot!
    • Advanced calling: If you want to call an advanced rueda, announce it by calling “nivel alto/avanzado” and proceed to call continuous upper-level moves to keep it exclusive (saloneo, enróscala, etc.).
    • Calling workshops: Interested in calling or improving your calling? We offer great workshops for basic and more advanced calling!
    • We want everyone to have fun and dance, but not all ruedas might be a good fit for you. We want all levels of dancers to have fun and feel challenged, so make sure to enter ruedas that fit your level (we will have multiple callers). If you find yourself in a rueda that is too difficult, make sure to leave with a partner (never abandon a rueda without a partner!). Take a look at the list of calls, videos of basic ruedas to make sure this event is for you. 
    • If you want to improve your rueda skills before May, whether it be from zero to intermediate or advance, get in contact with us. You can join Dame2Salsa during the spring semester (April-June).

Rueda calls

    • To participate in this event it is essential to have basic rueda skills before you join! Here’s an example of an accessible rueda many dancers can join. New to rueda? Join our school in April and get trained for May!